13. april 2019

2D IPSC Test version

This is my latest game, kinda a work in progress or more of a test of a modified http://www.brackeen.com/javagamebook/ 2d plattformer that I changed again for XNA and C#. Background and tiles is from https://www.gameart2d.com/free-platformer-game-tileset.html

The game is intended to use a resolution of 1920x1080, but others might work just fine.

Important in game keys:
F8 = Toggle fullscreen.
Esc = Quit to Windows.
A/Left arrow = Move left.
D/Right arrow = Move Right.
W/Up arrow = Jump.
R/Right mouse button = Reload.
Left mouse button = Shoot.
H = End stage.
S/Down arrow = Fly down (Angle only)

Playing the game:
Set up the number of players you want.
Select a stage.
Shoot each target twice.
Press H when done.

As always you need to have Microsofts xnafx40_redist.msi installed. Google it, or follow this link if you don't already have it installed: XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 
And if you are still on XP/Vista install this  .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

Link to game: 2D_IPSC_190413.Zip
 Have fun.